Honors IS Graduates

Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Camanda Fergus "Turkey Facing Westward: The Road to EU Accession and Germany's Influence" Magna Cum Laude Hoyt Purvis
Jacob Mott "Money and Politics: The Renminbi and Sino-American Relations" Magna Cum Laude Hoyt Purvis
Samuel Robert "Bullets and Ballots: Democracy’s Dynamic on Radical Islam" Cum Laude Hoyt Purvis
Katherine Strike "Does Violence Work?: The Effects of Violence on the Success of Indigenous Protest Movements Against Mining Enterprises in Latin America" Magna Cum Laude Jeff Ryan
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Ellen Barber "A New Global Order: A Study of the Effects of Globalization on Cultural, Political, and Economic Ties Between States, and the Emergence of Non-State and Super-State Governments" Cum Laude (International Relations) Benjamin Grob-Fitzgibbon
Morgan Byttner "Third Culture Kids: Strengthening or Weakening International Relations?" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Elizabeth Caruth "Historicizing German Multiculturalism" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Laurence Hare
Cristen Handley "Energy Security and America: An Investigation into the United States’ Liberation from the Persian Gulf and Caspian Basin" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Lauren Leatherby "Iran in Latin America" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Kalli Parette "Will China Remain Politically Stable? How China’s People, Leaders, and Economy Will Keep the Nation from Political Revolt" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Jeffrey Rudolph "Illumination: The Secret World of the Sex Slave Trade and the Fight Against It" Cum Laude (International Relations) Shaojing Wu
Cameron Word "The Japanese Textbook Controversy in Sino-Japanese Relations" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Elizabeth Markham
Keely Dye "An Unrequited Love: The Czech Republic and the Euro" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Hoyt Purvis
Kathleen Richard "Changing the Game: A Political Analysis of the Future of the Olympic Games with Respect to Middle-Income Countries" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Lindsay Newby "Representations of Argentine Identity: Tradition, Modernity, and Tourism" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/History) Kristin Erickson
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Zach Bradshaw "The European Union and Political Theories: How the EU has Challenged Political Theoretical Thought and the Effects it has on EU Member States" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Cooper Gatewood "French Cinema: Art as a Reflection of National Opinion" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Megumi Kawaraya "What are the Motivations of the BRICs to Increase Their Foreign Aid?" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Andrew Horowitz
Michelle Murphy "Modern Perceptions of Catholic Basilicas in Rome" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Emily Nevala "Stuck at a Crossroads: An Investigation into the Current Impasse between the EU and NATO and an Analysis of their Future Sustainability Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Laura Peery "World Hunger and What Heifer International is Doing to Stop It" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Libbi Strum "The Media and Euro-Skepticism in the United Kingdom" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Andrew Walchuk "Immigration and the Extreme Right: An Analysis of Recent Voting Trends in Western Europe" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Jeff Ryan
Jacob White "International Governance of the Commons: Property Rights in Outer Space" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Stephen Sheppard
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Seth Barlow "A Future of Olympism in America" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Lindsay Harrington "Environmental Refugees and Internally Displaced People: The Need for Recognition by the UNHCR" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Kelsey Hoffman "American Cultural Imperialism and the French Cultural Exception: A Battle for Cultural Survival" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Spencer Lucker "The Trans-Atlantic Connection: An Analysis and Comparison of the Cultural and Legal Attitudes and Trends towards Alcohol and Alcohol Policy Between the United States, Northern Europe, and Mediterranean Europe" Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Taylor Mikles "The European Union and Its Interactions with Problematic Member States" Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Erin Ridgeway "Modeling the Dependency Theory: French Colonialism and Its Legacy in West Africa" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Andrea Arrington
Katherine Shreves "Modern Migration in the European Union: Statistical Analysis of Migration Decision-Making" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Nathan Stockemer "The Issue of National Self-Determination and the Potential for the Formation of New Nation-States in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Catalonia, Scotland, and Kosovo" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Hoyt Purvis
Kelsey Winchester "Painting a Thin Line: International Relations Between Mexico and the United States as Seen Through the Visual Arts of Tijuana/San Diego" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/Latin American Studies) Kathryn Sloan
Marcos Zarate "The Dangers of Failure: Weak States, Failed States and the International Destabilization Created by State Collapse" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Kendall Byers "‘In Fire, Both Green and Dry Wood Burn’: The Roots of the Kurdish Struggle in Turkey" Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Tom Paradise
Clare Casey "The National Security Implications of Global Warming: A Region by Region Analysis" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Kaylee Cox "An Analysis of the Space Race, Conspiracy Theories, and the U.S. Apollo MissionsAn Analysis of the Space Race, Conspiracy Theories, and the U.S. Apollo Missions" Cum Laude (International Relations/Latin American Studies) Hoyt Purvis
David Sawyer "The Effect of Private Military Firms on Modern Conflict" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/History) Benjamin Grob-Fitzgibbon
Beth Ibrahim "'Garbage People' A Case Study on the Zabbaleen of Cairo" Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Tom Paradise
Cassie Kordsmeier "A History of North African Immigration into Italy" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Tom Paradise
Rachel Lewis "One Nation Under God" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Christopher Nassar "Shifting Sands: Analysis of the Varying Strategies Between the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli Conflicts and Their Effect on International Politics and Domestic Gain" Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Hoyt Purvis
Jessica Rice "A Nation Without Borders: Roma Identity in a Globalizing World" Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Rachel Stuckey "Not an Immigration Country’: Analysis of the Center-Right’s Resistance to Reforming Nationality Law in Germany" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Chris Wylie "Occupation, Integration, and Colonization: The Oslo Process and the Economics of Peace, 1993-1999" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Benjamin Grob-Fitzgibbon
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor 
Jillian Boles "Security Implications of the Anglo-American Special Relationship" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson 
Mallory Box "Good Wives, Wise Mothers: The High Incidence of Induced Abortion in Japan" Cum Laude (International Relations/Asian Studies) Hoyt Purvis
Nathan Brown "The Significance of Slums: The Relationship Between Economic Deprivation and Political Stability in the Middle East" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Melanie Claassen "Miscommunications Between the United States and Islamic Middle East: How UNESCO, Fulbright Exchange Program, and Cultural Diplomacy are Fighting Back" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Lauren Duke "Changing the World One Chicken at a Time: An Analysis of Brazil, Heifer International, and its Brazilian Projects" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/Latin American Studies) Sergio Villalobos
Katie Fourmy "In Pursuit of Democracy: U.S. Counterinsurgency Campaigns in El Salvador and Iraq" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Jeff Ryan
Callie Graves "The Foreign Vote: The Effect of Immigration on the 2007 French Presidential Election" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Megann Hamlin "Tony Blair and Gordon Brown: An Analysis of Successive Labour Governments" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis 
Jeff Shreve "Humanitarian Intervention" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Natalie Smith "It’s Not Easy Being Vert: Environmental Problems, Policy and Attitudes as Effects of French and American Culture" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis 
Rachel Williams "Economics and the Irish Conflict" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Nadia Akbar "Definitions Creating Divisions among Adherents of Islam and the Emergence of Nonpartisan Muslims" Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Tom Paradise
Yanisha Brown  "Telling the Real from the Fake: Rampant Piracy in China Poses Challenge to the International Community" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Angela Fletcher  "The Argentine Dirty War: New Truths and Old Lies" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Allison Ivey "Japan’s Capital Cities: From Nara to Kyoto to Tokyo"  Cum Laude (International Relations) Henry Tsai 
Mervin Jebaraj "An Analysis of Reform of the United Nations Security Council with Regard to Genocide Prevention" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Adam Kaltenbach "American Big Business versus the Central American Peasantry: An Analysis of the Central American Free Trade Agreement" Cum Laude (International Relations) Steve Stiffler
Patrick Kelley "Turkish Admission to the European Union: Progressing Fact or Unrealistic Dream?" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Jamie Kern "The Other Side of Immigration: Causes and Effects of Emigration in Latin America" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Jared McAfee "A Final Status for the Holy Sites of Jerusalem and Its Importance in Ending the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Hoyt Purvis
Nathan Miller "Galvanizing and Consolidating National Political Power: An Analysis of Yes versus No in the European Union" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Shenna Ora "A United Kingdom or Not? A Look at the Formation of British Identity and Its Future" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Sarah Peery "Life After Lycée: A Look at Higher Education in France and the Challenges Facing a Generation" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Sydney Perkins "Integrating the Muslim Majority of France: Religion, Society and the Republican Pact" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Gabriel Porter "An Analysis of The European Union Goals and Position in the Doha Round of World Trade Organization Negotiations" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Mallory Rogers "The Re-Emergence of the Conservative Party in Great Britain" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Courtney Sparks "What Went Wrong in Germany: A comparative analysis of the policies and procedures used by Wal-Mart that led to a positive outcome in the United Kingdom but led to their departure in Germany" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Laura Stump "A Study of the Organization and Evolution of Radical Islamic Organizations in the Middle East" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Najib Ghadbian
Devon Tucker "Spitting Distance: The Kuril Islands Dispute from a Regionalist Perspective" Cum Laude (International Relations) Donald Kelly
Haunani Verzon "Water Wars: Analysis of the Regional Water-Sharing Conflict Between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq Over the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers" Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Tom Paradise
Terry Vo "Japan’s Declining Population: Exploring the Causes and Effects on Japan’s Future" Cum Laude (International Relations) Tatsuya Fukushima
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Kelly Freeze "The Right Kind of Aid: A Comparative Analysis of Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Groups" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Elizabeth French "A Case Study Examining International Humanitarian Assistance in Response to Natural Disasters" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Crosby Hipes "Peacekeeping and State Building in West Africa" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Dorris Scott "No Space for Children: The Falling Birthrate and How it Relates to Women and Space in Japanese Society" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Tatsuya Fukushima
Lindsay Tucker "Turkish Accession to the European Union: Public Opinion and the Common Foreign and Security Policy" Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Rachel Yingling "The European Union Constitution: Influences on Referendum Outcomes" Summa Cum Laude (International Relations/European Studies) Fiona Davidson
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Lindsey Barnes "Past and Future Effects on Mad Cow Disease in the United States" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Angela Dunlap "Effects on Changing Laws Regarding Immigration and the U.S.-Mexico Border" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
April Kersten "France and America: A Difficult Relationship" Cum Laude (International Relations) Hoyt Purvis
Graduate Thesis Title Honors Designation Supervisor
Iris Ferguston "The International Oil Industry’s Thwarting or Embracing of Environmentally Sustainable Methods within the Global Market and Their Incentives" Magna Cum Laude (International Relations) Fiona Davidson
Laci Kazanovicv "The Algerian Challenge to French Republicanism: Alternatives to Affirmative Action" Cum Laude (International Relations) Mark Cory
Justin Leflar "A Koranic Environmental Ethic and the Divergence of Political Islam" Cum Laude (International Relations/Middle East Studies) Vincent Cornell